X, the protagonist in Miss Misery, experiences the irrational collapse of the World. It is factual and undeniable, like a historical fact. It floods everything. Like water. Or like memories. Personal. Sometimes like Collective memories. Memories. Something is approaching. Like the End. Everyone realizes it. They experience it. Either as victims or eyewitnesses. Of an oddity. And they narrate it. Like a chronicle. Like a Chorus entering the koilon. But also like messengers of tragedy. These are the seven faces-masks of the play.
Miss Misery is a woman that leaves her traces in everything she touches. Or recalls traces of old wounds that she herself or someone like her has caused...Who is she? How did she come here? Where from? For what reason? Or maybe with no reason at all. Everything leads to the inevitable end – of the World or the Microcosm? Of the hero...
Or not? What if everything is an illusion? A dream? Someone’s fantasy?
Who knows the answer?
Every so often the world collapses. Sometimes we realise it, while others we don’t. In any event, we pass by it. We keep on living. But all these times, we never know whether it is our own world that has collapsed, or THE world….
3 men - 4 women
8 - 10 men
2 men - 1 woman (or 3 men)
1 man - 1 woman (or 2 men)
3 men - 2 women
2 women
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