The Yellow Dog, 2009

1 female

Michel Fais

The attack with caustic acid against the unionist Konstantina Kuneva (December 2008) inspired the creation of Ruska Ruseva, her dramatic alter ego. A polyphonic raving in a station in Athens.

The "former archaeologist, formerly married and sad woman; the ‘red’ cleaner against the ‘black’ bosses and supervisors” as the heroine in The Yellow Dog introduces herself speaks neither Greek nor Bulgarian, but a language of grand gestures and utopian feelings; she pays attention to the silence of the little things.

Ruska Ruseva is a perpetual crossroads of voices; she acts as a conduit of individual voices and discovers herself through the others, through the bustling crowd and history’s relentless pace. She is a "face of public love" that directly addresses her personal and working time. Hence, the protagonist lays claims to a world of love, through both the policy of the defenseless self and the metaphysics of the non-further one.

The yellow light – that occasionally falls on the stage and carves her narrative up – is the feeling of the surplus, the prolonged, the ‘bombarded’ person who eventually hurtles and surges to the stage flow, reflecting the dystopian reality around us.


Autobiography of a Book, 1995

3 male – 3 female [Minimum number of actors: 2 men-3 women]

Married Couples, 2003

1 male - 1 female (on video)

The City on its Knees, 2006

3 male- 2 female

Greek Insomnia, 2006

1 male - 2 female

After our Last Words, 2011

1 male - 1 female

Feather Nothing, 2011

1 male - 2 female

Someone to Hurt Them, 2012

2 male - 1 female

La Petite Mort, 2014

3 female (25, 35, and 45 years old)

The Bench of Any, 2014

2 male -1 female (only her voice is heard)



The Stage Adventure of a Gaze

