The story of a small, independent cockroach, Ioanna, who decides to make her dream come true and travel to the moon. The small cockroach faces courageously every unpredictable situation, she faces humans, insects, difficulties and she moves on towards the realization of her dream. A frenzied comedy, full of optimism and will for life.
4 women, 14 men, 2 mice, 1 mirror, 1 car, 1 computer and characters who only appear on video art: 1 woman, 5 men, a fireplace, Advertisement, the Elevator
2 men - 3 women
1 man - 2 women
13 men, 13 women, neighbors' chorus, a sheep
6 men, 6 women, 1 monster, the Devil
2 minimum
[Translation: Elina Palaska]
Vassilis Mavrogeorgiou's dramaturgy has a very clear and basic theme: the ind...
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