Like Father Like Son, 2012

2 male – 4 female

Peny Fylaktaki

Mihalis Bezenoglou is deep in debt with enormous overdrafts in every bank of the country.  The process server knocks at his door to repossess all of his belongings but Mihalis swears that it’s not his fault: he owes money and lies because of a…hereditary curse that haunts the name of Bezenoglou! A journey in the life of four generations of Greeks unfolds on stage, to trace the farcical story of the name-curse handed down from father to son. It’s a curse that first cast it spell in the 60’s during a birth delivery at a village cottage, reappeared in the 70’s at a funeral service and entered the prime-minister’s office at the turn of the century, reaching up to poor Mihalis, the last relic of a…forever indebted dynasty, which tries to be open and honest but constantly fails! 



Aspects of Peny Fylaktaki’s theatre

MAN We lost.

WOMAN  Friendly game?


Seaweeds by Peny Fylaktaki

Peny Fylaktaki is a playwright with a dynamic presence in the Greek theater over the past fifteen years. She holds a PhD in Theatre Translation and...