Theatrical adaptation of the cult novel A Girl and a Snowman. The snowman is determined to go to the North Pole in order to keep the promise never to melt that he gave to the girl who made him. He travels among others through the land of the Mudmen, who hate snowmen so much that they want to turn them into mudmen like themselves, the country of the yellowhatted people who tolerate no other colour but yellow, and through the land of Super-shoppers where people shop endlessly for the sake of shopping, never forgetting the little girl and turning a deaf ear to all those who try to convince him that the North Pole does not exist.
14 [Minimum number of actors: 7]
16 [Minimum number of actors: 6]
The number of characters depends on the episodes the production will include
12 [Minimum number of actors: 6]
Eugene Trivizas appeared in the literary landscape in the 1980s and even though he has been involved with most li...
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